Library has a key role in supporting academic activities by Acquiring, Maintaining and Disseminating the study material through its diversified facilities and various information Service.
- Book Circulation facility.
- Book Bank Facility.
- Reading Room facility.
- Periodical Display facility.
- Online Public Access Catalogue ( OPAC ) facility.
- Open Access facility.
- Internet facility.
- Display of new arrivals
- Library user orientation.
- Special Collection for Competitive Examinations.
- Braille Books for visually impaired students.
- Audio- Visual Study material in the form of CD's and DVD's.
- Digital Collection on Library Webpage.
- Literature Search facility
- Staff and Student's Identity Card distribution.
- Computerized Book Circulation.
- Reference service.
- Referral Service.
- Bibliographic Compilation.
- Photocopy Service
- News Paper Clipping Service.
- Inter library Loan Service
- Display of New Arrival Service
- Current Awareness Service
- Selective Dissemination of Information Service.
Best Practices
- Book Exhibition on various occasions.
- Best Reader Award to Staff and Student.
- Membership to Alumni and Guests.
- Suggestion Box and timely Response.
- User Feedback with action.